Im glad im training for something that doesnt require training all year for it (like Pole Vault). Anyway did about an 800m swim today after a short hike at Harriman State Park. Im not sure how clean that water is but open water is open water right?
Cant wait until the time trial this weekend.. stay tuned
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sometimes you have kick up a little dust
Bike 10 mins 4 miles
Bench 4x8 130, 135, 145, 155
Lunge jumps 4x10 60lbs
Mt Climbers/Burpees/Pullups 3roundsx10
Mil press 4x10 both/alt/both/alt
Cleans 4x5 135, 135, 145, 155
Shoulder row 2x15 15 bells
Back Hyper 3x10 35, 8med ball, 25 twist
Around the world core workout (Plank leg lifts)
2 hours later I was on the bike for an intense bike ride up 2 massive hills, around Rockland Lake and then back up one of the hills headed for home. 11 miles in all but the return trip I burned one out and got into race mode. Nothing at this point, nothing can stop these legs I have. Just give me a road bike or any bike for that matter and ill be leaving people in my wake come race day.
Viva la Fingerlakes!!!!
Bench 4x8 130, 135, 145, 155
Lunge jumps 4x10 60lbs
Mt Climbers/Burpees/Pullups 3roundsx10
Mil press 4x10 both/alt/both/alt
Cleans 4x5 135, 135, 145, 155
Shoulder row 2x15 15 bells
Back Hyper 3x10 35, 8med ball, 25 twist
Around the world core workout (Plank leg lifts)
2 hours later I was on the bike for an intense bike ride up 2 massive hills, around Rockland Lake and then back up one of the hills headed for home. 11 miles in all but the return trip I burned one out and got into race mode. Nothing at this point, nothing can stop these legs I have. Just give me a road bike or any bike for that matter and ill be leaving people in my wake come race day.
Viva la Fingerlakes!!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Dan Simpsons Center for kids who dont play well outside and want to do other cool things too
On nice days like this (ok it was a bit humid but 91 and semi sunny side up) you find yourself leaving work a little early, to sneak off and do a workout on the track right? Come on, I cant be the only one. If you dont have the ability to modivate yourself, how are you going to be able to run the best race of your life on race day? No one is going to run it for you and the training can only prepare you so far. If you havent been reading the other posts, ill say it again... this stuff is almost 80% mental. The human body can do some amazing things, even with out training.
At work today one of the drillers threw something in the truck while my head was down writing something in my field notebook, and the noise made me jump and almost start running. Ha like some dam horse or something. It was interesting. Just as a note though (something that you wouldnt know unless you were there for it), the starting for a triathlon is done by air horn, one quick burst. If you hear more then that, or a longer one, look up!! They may be trying to restart you.
Great run/stadium climb:
Warm up:
calf hops
high knees
fast leg
lunge walks
Backward A-step
Backward kareoka
Walk overs
Backward walk overs
lateral skipovers
Stadium stairs
40x10-400 x2= 800 then straight off the bleachers and on to the track for a stride out 300m 6min, R1min, 5:39
Then R1min and did a 1200 in 5:18
My left hamstring is in a knot right now, so I kind of took it easy running a 7:40 mile pace and I stretched like crazy. Hoping my travel day tomorrow (aka day of rest) will put me in good shape for a tough hike/swim workout on Sat.
Still looking for a road bike. Getting new running shoes this weekend.
At work today one of the drillers threw something in the truck while my head was down writing something in my field notebook, and the noise made me jump and almost start running. Ha like some dam horse or something. It was interesting. Just as a note though (something that you wouldnt know unless you were there for it), the starting for a triathlon is done by air horn, one quick burst. If you hear more then that, or a longer one, look up!! They may be trying to restart you.
Great run/stadium climb:
Warm up:
calf hops
high knees
fast leg
lunge walks
Backward A-step
Backward kareoka
Walk overs
Backward walk overs
lateral skipovers
Stadium stairs
40x10-400 x2= 800 then straight off the bleachers and on to the track for a stride out 300m 6min, R1min, 5:39
Then R1min and did a 1200 in 5:18
My left hamstring is in a knot right now, so I kind of took it easy running a 7:40 mile pace and I stretched like crazy. Hoping my travel day tomorrow (aka day of rest) will put me in good shape for a tough hike/swim workout on Sat.
Still looking for a road bike. Getting new running shoes this weekend.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Chicken wingggggs
"I could get a good look at my butcher by sticking my head up his T-bone, but id rather take his word for it" something I said on our Boston road trip.
Im not going to lie, this final cycle is going to be one huge ball of soreness and thats the way I like it. This was a quick lift due to time limitations so I tried to pack a punch but it was kind of weak..
Stationary bike 3 miles
Mt climber machine 2 mins
Stair master 21 floors
Bench 4x8 135, 155, 155, 155
Overhead row: both 140, L/R 110 x20 to 25
Bi 3x10 40, 40, 35
Dips 2x15
Pull ups 2x8-10
Mile run 7:55
Im not going to lie, this final cycle is going to be one huge ball of soreness and thats the way I like it. This was a quick lift due to time limitations so I tried to pack a punch but it was kind of weak..
Stationary bike 3 miles
Mt climber machine 2 mins
Stair master 21 floors
Bench 4x8 135, 155, 155, 155
Overhead row: both 140, L/R 110 x20 to 25
Bi 3x10 40, 40, 35
Dips 2x15
Pull ups 2x8-10
Mile run 7:55
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
We live and die by the clock

Warm up
A skip
Calf hop
B skip
High knees
lunge walks
fast leg
fence leg swings (lateral, medial)
Stride out
L/R skip over x 2 (4 hurdles but should have done 6)
skip over
Lateral skip over
walk overs
2 mile run time trial 13:40 ( 1:31, 3:06, 4:50, 6:32, .., 10:10)
400m repeats R1:1 1:31, 1:21
I just could not believe how efforless all of that was. Next time I will push it more when I dont have flat shoes and a wet surface.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The final count down....
Sorry I found this 80's only station on my 4 hour drive from NYC to Syracuse and it got a little intense. So Monday the 16th of August, thus is the beginning of the end. Im starting my final cycle of my training before the race day. This should last about 3 weeks and then ill shut it down a lot but not completely, so that I have some fresh legs, arms, lungs, ... ok Tri uses everything you have!!
Ok so if you have not puked yet reading these posts, keep reading!! If you have, well then you may want to stop here and get off at this station. Things are about to be jacked up a notch and im not sure how my body is going to react, but if you want different results sometimes you have to try new things.
Stationary Bike 2.3 miles in 9 min at level 13 (94-108 rpm)
group done by 4:
Box jumps 60lbs
line hops Lateral/Medial x 15 to 20
Ball throw L/R 10lbs or shoulder row 15lbs
Lunge walks 70lbs by 7 steps
ball pushups by 10
then pull ups 3x8
and a mile run
NO rest between anything unless I was drinking water.
Ok so if you have not puked yet reading these posts, keep reading!! If you have, well then you may want to stop here and get off at this station. Things are about to be jacked up a notch and im not sure how my body is going to react, but if you want different results sometimes you have to try new things.
Stationary Bike 2.3 miles in 9 min at level 13 (94-108 rpm)
group done by 4:
Box jumps 60lbs
line hops Lateral/Medial x 15 to 20
Ball throw L/R 10lbs or shoulder row 15lbs
Lunge walks 70lbs by 7 steps
ball pushups by 10
then pull ups 3x8
and a mile run
NO rest between anything unless I was drinking water.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Dont write checks your butt cant cash
Alright so you may be reading these and be thinking, is there a method to this madness? You certainly wont find a trainer that would have you do any of these workouts... ANY of THEM!! Let me explain myself, first of its knowing your body and your limitations and pushing those boundaries little by little. I have put in the time and have pushed that rock up and over that mountain several times. A rolling stone gathers no moss right? Basically Im used to working out hard, I was a division 1 athlete and used to lift 8 times a week and have 7 hour practices a day, and thats with a Saturday meet and Sunday off. Ive found though that if I do things this way, that I dont have to work so hard, or put in so much time (which will end up taking over your life). Working smarter not harder is my new motto. So you read this and say, wait this is you going easy? Well yes and no. Normal guys at the gym (like the ones mentioned in the previous post... the muscle bound morons) will lift back, then legs... each day limiting themselves to a muscle group and busting the snot out of it. For me, I am not a pair of arms or just legs. I have a body and a mind, and they dont like to be left out of any workout!! Dynamic workouts pull all the muscle groups together for your comon goal, which is what I feel is needed when you are competing in events like Triathlon or Pole Vault. It might take a while, but eventually you will figure out what works.
The works:
2 mile stationary bike warm up (5 min)
Squats 6,7,8; 185, 210, 210 ... 6,6; 225, 225 (should add squat jumps to my previous day workout)
Over head back with 45 plate 3x10
Bi 3x7 45,40,35 bells
Dips 2x12
Punching bag L/R 3x2min
Stair Master 21 floors
Leg Ext 3x 10 110
Back hyper 2x15 with 10lb ball
Obliques 2x10 45 plate
Back hyper w/ twist 2x10
The works:
2 mile stationary bike warm up (5 min)
Squats 6,7,8; 185, 210, 210 ... 6,6; 225, 225 (should add squat jumps to my previous day workout)
Over head back with 45 plate 3x10
Bi 3x7 45,40,35 bells
Dips 2x12
Punching bag L/R 3x2min
Stair Master 21 floors
Leg Ext 3x 10 110
Back hyper 2x15 with 10lb ball
Obliques 2x10 45 plate
Back hyper w/ twist 2x10
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I am so sick of seeing these people lift with bad form and not using full range of motion. This is how these muscle bound idiots get injuries and it really limits your potential. A word of advice... educate yourself on how to do these exercises correctly, lower the weight if you have to. Incorporate core and balance exercises.
Bike 10 mins for 2.4 miles
Incline Bench 4x10 110,115, 125, 125 closing my grip one finger each rep
Single Leg Curl 2x8 90, 100
Lunge walks 3x7 35,35, 45 bells ( I wish this place had more room)
Overhead rows 2x20 both 120, 2xalt 120, 135
Pull ups 1x5
Crunches 2x25
Plank alt foot raises hands on ball 2x10
Crunch w/ twist 2x15
1 mile 5:50
4x800m 3:32, 3:10, 3:11, 3:09 with 1min rest
Im still having a shoe malfunction where my laces are digging into the top of my foot so I think its going to have to be time for a shoe purchase and hopefully I can break them in quickly. I can not afford lost time on my last leg of the tri due to having to adjust my laces.
Bike 10 mins for 2.4 miles
Incline Bench 4x10 110,115, 125, 125 closing my grip one finger each rep
Single Leg Curl 2x8 90, 100
Lunge walks 3x7 35,35, 45 bells ( I wish this place had more room)
Overhead rows 2x20 both 120, 2xalt 120, 135
Pull ups 1x5
Crunches 2x25
Plank alt foot raises hands on ball 2x10
Crunch w/ twist 2x15
1 mile 5:50
4x800m 3:32, 3:10, 3:11, 3:09 with 1min rest
Im still having a shoe malfunction where my laces are digging into the top of my foot so I think its going to have to be time for a shoe purchase and hopefully I can break them in quickly. I can not afford lost time on my last leg of the tri due to having to adjust my laces.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Dam you scooba Steve
Holiday Inn pool, least this one is bigger then the last hotel pool I was training in where I had to just stand there and wave my arms for 30mins.
10 laps which im considering 1000ft which equals...304m or .2mile which took me about 15 mins
there is 5280ft in a mile... sprint triathlon is half that at 2140ft
Never say math is useless, its used so much in just about everything we do. My goal is to inspire someone struggling with math to make it more fun by putting them on the track or in the pool swimming laps! And dont even get me started on science and my no child left inside policy.
My last thought: The swim is so much easier when you arnt tense, when I dont panic and search for my next breath. Im going to work on a breathing rythem and a comfortable but pushed pace. Its simple though, if you cant breath, you will tire quickly. I think this is why I did most of my first tri with a back stroke... I could breath and utilize my masive back muscles (thanks to polevaulting).
Love your swim cap hair... Hope you win!!
10 laps which im considering 1000ft which equals...304m or .2mile which took me about 15 mins
there is 5280ft in a mile... sprint triathlon is half that at 2140ft
Never say math is useless, its used so much in just about everything we do. My goal is to inspire someone struggling with math to make it more fun by putting them on the track or in the pool swimming laps! And dont even get me started on science and my no child left inside policy.
My last thought: The swim is so much easier when you arnt tense, when I dont panic and search for my next breath. Im going to work on a breathing rythem and a comfortable but pushed pace. Its simple though, if you cant breath, you will tire quickly. I think this is why I did most of my first tri with a back stroke... I could breath and utilize my masive back muscles (thanks to polevaulting).
Love your swim cap hair... Hope you win!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Possible Injury developing
Bike: 5 miles in 14:30 stationary bike
Treadmill 800m then stopped
Mil press 2x12 L/R 2x8 45bells
Bi 3x12 45, 45, 35
Punching bag 5 mins each arm
Leg curl L/R 2x15 100
Crunches 2x25
Ball leg twist tuck 2x10
Ball pushups 1x14
Ball arm roll out 2x20
hanging leg raises 1x20
So im thinking due to having to wear my steel toe boots all day and standing on my feet all day, my feet are starting to take a toll. The bone on the top of my foot feels like its getting pinched even when my shoes arnt all that tight (I do tend to have tight laces). Hopefully a footwear change will be my solution (ill start working out in my hiking shoes for the rest of this week)
"Vision without execution is hallucination." - Thomas Edison
Treadmill 800m then stopped
Mil press 2x12 L/R 2x8 45bells
Bi 3x12 45, 45, 35
Punching bag 5 mins each arm
Leg curl L/R 2x15 100
Crunches 2x25
Ball leg twist tuck 2x10
Ball pushups 1x14
Ball arm roll out 2x20
hanging leg raises 1x20
So im thinking due to having to wear my steel toe boots all day and standing on my feet all day, my feet are starting to take a toll. The bone on the top of my foot feels like its getting pinched even when my shoes arnt all that tight (I do tend to have tight laces). Hopefully a footwear change will be my solution (ill start working out in my hiking shoes for the rest of this week)
"Vision without execution is hallucination." - Thomas Edison
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Im not sure where this energy came from
I think ive become a believer in varying my running terrain. There doesnt seem to be a decent all weather track in all of Syracuse!! Today I was at some North HS district track which was all asphalt, and let me tell you I posted some of my fastest times to date (2009). Id like to get at least 2 more trail running days in (careful of the cankles), and a 3 mile time trial. So far my tender feet have not allowed me to run more then 2 miles at a time.
1 mile: 5:50
400: 1:29
R 1:1 ratio (all the remaining)
400: 1:24, 1:22, 1:14, 1:13
This means that I kept running faster on less rest!!
My legs were sore a bit from the squats and lunges but as you can see, not drained of power. My strides were even and high and I really wasnt out of breath (especially after the mile run). My calfs are expected to be burned out tomorrow but will not be needed for the biking hell I have in store for these legs of mine. Swim to follow.
1 mile: 5:50
400: 1:29
R 1:1 ratio (all the remaining)
400: 1:24, 1:22, 1:14, 1:13
This means that I kept running faster on less rest!!
My legs were sore a bit from the squats and lunges but as you can see, not drained of power. My strides were even and high and I really wasnt out of breath (especially after the mile run). My calfs are expected to be burned out tomorrow but will not be needed for the biking hell I have in store for these legs of mine. Swim to follow.
Monday, August 3, 2009
"He is F-ing crazy!!"
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Two little mice fall into a bucket of cream
The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned, but the second mouse, he struggled so hard that he eventually churned that cream into butter and he walked out.
To me character is defined by the things you do when no one is looking. Inner motivation can not be taught. We train a little harder and harder each day so that come race day it all seems easy, it all seems normal. You've heard that preparation is perspiration right? I just like to be creative with it to keep my mind focused on something that isnt self destructive.
Bike day:
I think I may have reached my breaking point speed wise with my Mt bike. I paced an 11min 3 mile (on the flat) which is good enough for a 45 min 13miler
Biked about 15 today with a stop at Nyack HS to do a 3:00 min 800m and then 3 caber flips
1:11, 1:06, :55 ( liked that last one) for 50m. I think im going to jump that up to 100m next time im up there, and I have yet to set something up with my milk crate and bricks which are hidden in the woods up there.
Oh and rare if ever occurrence: On my ride from the Nyack track to Rockland Lake Park I was hoofing it up this hill and a deer jumped out of the woods and ran into my arm. I kid you not!!! I must be the only one ever to run into a deer (or in this case a deer ran into me) while riding a bicycle. Please comment on this one, because I may still be in shock.
Boo ya Grandma
To me character is defined by the things you do when no one is looking. Inner motivation can not be taught. We train a little harder and harder each day so that come race day it all seems easy, it all seems normal. You've heard that preparation is perspiration right? I just like to be creative with it to keep my mind focused on something that isnt self destructive.
Bike day:
I think I may have reached my breaking point speed wise with my Mt bike. I paced an 11min 3 mile (on the flat) which is good enough for a 45 min 13miler
Biked about 15 today with a stop at Nyack HS to do a 3:00 min 800m and then 3 caber flips
1:11, 1:06, :55 ( liked that last one) for 50m. I think im going to jump that up to 100m next time im up there, and I have yet to set something up with my milk crate and bricks which are hidden in the woods up there.
Oh and rare if ever occurrence: On my ride from the Nyack track to Rockland Lake Park I was hoofing it up this hill and a deer jumped out of the woods and ran into my arm. I kid you not!!! I must be the only one ever to run into a deer (or in this case a deer ran into me) while riding a bicycle. Please comment on this one, because I may still be in shock.
Boo ya Grandma
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