Thursday, October 28, 2010

Runners Roost Run Club Halloween Run

Morning Lift:

Squat 4x5 185, 185, 210, 210 (working my way back up after a long ferlow, left knee hurt).
wall ball pick 2, 3 rounds

The run club added a whole new level of fun and excitement on this weeks Wed. night run when we had a Halloween consume contest for some amazing Sacony prizes. It was a great 4 or 6.2 mile run at 46* and in the dark with my costumed friends.

Ky and I dressed as Barley and Hops complete with drooping bunny ears because lets face it we run for beer and it was better then being any other fruit or vegetable. I was surprised that no one seem really hindered by their costumes along the way but I found that after going out at 6:45 pace the first mile, the cold air was rejected by my body. I've ultimately verified and concluded that I cant expect to run well after September and below 55*. I came back on the 4 mile run at 7:40 pace (with some hills in my defense).

Great night though and one of the best running clubs in the area. Pictures soon.

Race against the sun

Im starting to run out of catchy titles.

Morning Lift:

Bench on smith mach. 5x6 135, 135, 155, 135, 135
Hanging Revers Bench 3x6
Stability Ball crunches 3x15

Evening Track workout:
(sore as hell still from the squats but we are running out of nice days)

4x150m: 22, 21, 22, 21 Slow but I put in a quality effort with the legs I had.

Total: 86 sec.

Monday, October 25, 2010

My philosphy

You build half your base to gain some endurence, then spend most of your time on speed and strength. Quality workouts for as long as you can handle, adding little by little, then you finish up with a strong push, bringing the base building phase back into effect so that its still there when you need it on race day.

Push yourself but remember that there's more to life then training. Its about experiencing new things, even the best runner in the world wont have a Nike contract without personality!


Bench bells 4x8 50, 55, 55, 55
One arm hang clean and jerk (kettle bell lift) 3x8 37.5, 37.5, 37.5
Lawnmower 2x8 60,60
Lat pull down 2x6 120, 120
Standing shoulder row 2x8 45, 45
2 leg box hop (2') 3x10
Single leg box hop (1.5') 2x10
Skater box hop 2x10
1 mile treadmill run

Friday, October 22, 2010

Am I a Winter Flier or Spring/Summer Crawler?

This is a great question, and is highly dependent on both your training schedule and your genetic strengths and weaknesses. As a collegite athlete I found that I was able to proform well out of the gates and off of preseason training. Im guessing I was hungry and fresh. The first few meets I would post a new PR but would still have my season goals set high enough that they were still out of grasp.

When you have a break out like that you have to ask yourself..What did you do well? Was it the training? What could you improve on? What were your strengths going into it? And what were your weaknesses?

You can train to improve your weaknesses but its better to play to your strengths. No one ever kept their sanity fighting gavity and you shouldn't either.

One thing I have to remember is that the answers to those questions may not relate well to a different sport. Track and Field has a Fall/Winter/Spring season schedule and triathlon is mainly summer. I have to give my training new purpose? and shift it so that I peak within the season. Your body goes through cycles, ask any fit women who hides her fat pants under her bed instead of throwing them out. Im finding that after competing poorly in a fall cold weather race that maybe im a better runner in the warmer temperatures. I have stated before that I seem to be solar powered at times. Im reminded of a cartoon episode of Denise the menice where he rides a horse thats lazy and slow on sunny days but then turns over a new leaf in rainy muddy conditions and wins the race. Now conditions arent everything but I at least know which ones ill have to train harder for. I just wish the days didnt get so short this time of year.

Scream Scram 5K: overall place: 26 out of 494 division place: 3 out of 34 gender place: 22 out of 196 time: 20:34 pace: 6:38. Splits: 1m: 5:55, 2m: 13:00. Won the raffle prize of an Udderly Smooth lotion moo prize kit.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I meant that as an A race

When your training schedule goes Arri due to injury or just poor execution is it perfectly ok to look back on your season as a whole pick your best execution and call it an A race? I say HELL YES!! If you have done your research you know the importance of having A, B, C races in your season and forming an optimal plan is key. However, anything can happen on race day both good and bad and you can surprise the hell out of yourself sometimes in a race you trained through. To me that is just a great reflection of how your training has gone.

Races that fall apart however, give you no indication of how your plan or training went and make it extremely difficult to keep momentum and stay positive. Ideally you have to remember not to get so caught up in it all. Shit happens and in the end you are doing this for fun. Its supposed to be something you enjoy so dont take it too seriously. Keep your head in the game. You dam well know that with or without any races, this is the lifestyle choice you chose for yourself. You made the right decision to live happy healthy and to continue to be challenged. Race with that in mind every time.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Its for the kids

I just wanted you to stop and take note before you get too wrapped up in the times you run and the place you come in. The true winners of these races are the charities that they stand up for. Your entry fee does go towards putting on a great race and a fun time but it also goes to helping those that need it most. Kids, cancer victims and those devistated by natural disastor (fire/hurricanes). The moment you sign up for these races you are running for them and yourself. You are creating awareness to the issue at hand and above all promoting good health. Dont lose sight of that.


Incline bench bells 4x8 60, 50, 50, 50
leg curl 3x8 L/R 70, 75, 75
Overhead shoulder row alt/both 2x10 90, 115, 115, 115
Dips 2x10
pullups 2x6
Lunge jumps 3x8 45 bar

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Take the shirt off, you earned it

Back to basics I decided to venture out and find a new track to do a workout on instead of sitting in traffic on my commute home from work. I found Denver South High School about 6 miles from my office. Its located near Wash Park.

Upon initial arrival I thought I was going to have to reach into my bag of tricks and once again scale a 12 ft fence to make this happen, as I have so many other times in the past (see: Pirated Run ) There were fences everywhere keeping you out of both tracks on campus. Yea you heard me correct, this HS had 2 all weather tracks, I was about to have a trackgasm. The main one had a soccer game going on within the stadium and the alternate field had football practice that was about to finish before marching band practice. I slipped in under the radar while the fb players were touching each other on the ass and doing their send off cheer. I was in, game on!

No watch so I was going to just run a few laps but then decided to throw in an untimed workout and not waste my track time. No hurdles but I did a full warm up including strides. On the menu was what I call the dice workout. You roll the dice to see how many 400 repeats youll be doing..1 being a time trial (sub 60 hopefully) and 6 meaning you wont walk tomorrow. I rolled a 5 and after the first one took my breath away I started to get frustrated. Really? I lost all my endurance and running ability after taking 2 weeks off? It was as if I had just moved from sea level to the mile high city. I put my purse down and took in the rhythmic poundings of the drum section and kept an even pace throughout (based on feel).

I figure it went like this:


The sun started to fade but my legs wanted more so in between games at the stadium I snuck in there for a little stair work.

up/down x 6
hops x2
inclined lunges x1

Now and explanation of the blog title. As a guy much older then the hs age I cant help but feel funny about hanging out around the HS during their practices. I know outsiders cause distraction during practices in general but then it gets hot and there is no way my shirt is staying on. Sorry, but not really. When you have worked hard for that hard body, you shouldnt feel ashamed to show it off (even when unintentionally) no matter where and when you are. Go for it! You earned it!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lets give em somethin to talk about

Lift at 24 Hr Fitness

Incline 4x8 130
Leg ext 4x6 120,150, 170, 240
Dead Lift 3x4 185, 205, 225
jerk 2x10
behind the neck lift 2x8
seated row 4x6 120,105,120, 105
Bi curl/hammer down 3x6 30,30, 35 bells
Butterfly 2x8 120,120
side arm raises l/r cable 2x6 10, 12