Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Water Quality of life

We try to be BPA free, HFC free, and sometimes even take it as far as to be gluten free but are we really free of radicals and healthy? In my professional life I deal in water quality and I was noticing how much we expose ourselves to high levels of Chlorine as we spend hours in the pool.

You may or may not know this but Cl is a powerful oxidant and is used in bleaching and disinfectants, as well as an essential reagent in the chemical industry. In pools its used as a disinfectant in the form of a sodium hypochlorite tablet or solution.

However, Cl has also been used as a weapon in the gas phase. So that shortness of breath you experience during your workout may be cause from the over chlorination of your pool. The facility should have a highly trained water quality specialist administering any pool treatments. Dont be afraid to speak to the manager about this issue. Its a delicate science in getting the proper balence for the pool and it condinually changes with pool temperature and amount of use. The purpose of this post to bring to light the issues and spark some questioning on your behalf.

Happy Swimming

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