Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cleared for TAKE OFF

Medical followup:

As suggested I went in for a post 70.3 race check up which included blood work. I highly recommend endurance racers to error on the side of cushion post race and get the attention they need so that they can fight another day. I'll remind you that I had a melt down at mile 9 on the final stretch of my race and did not finish (see race recap). I still have yet to explain my extreme stomach cramps, and nausea but it could have been linked with an amount of dehydration and a bit of hypothermia, on top of a race nutrition that worked better in practice but not on the day.

Blood work came back healthy, and my bodily functions eventually regrouped and started to function normally. Ill be honest though, I couldnt run pain free for a month, and believe me I tried a few light sessions that left me walking back to the fort.

So with a clean bill of health im starting to get back into training again, for what? Well im not sure. Im sure you would try to convince me to give the 70.3 another shot and get to the finish line after saying piss off to mile 9. Right now im leaving it up to how my body reacts to different kinds of training. Right now im in my winter cycle which includes a lot of cross training and lifting (along with gaining weight). I've found, not the most ideal training for long distance anything. My bike is still in my bike box and will probably remain in there until April when there are longer days and the temps are more moderate.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and make smart decisions like Chrissie Wellington. Even pro marathoners can keel over from stroke.

Track Workout:

800 cool down and stretch

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