1. To attack and rob
I'm afraid in Syracuse that currency is the currency of the realm, and I was foced to take the situation at hand with a sense of humor and focused character. Whenever venturing off to train at an unfamiliar location such as a high school track you never know what you may and what condition you may find it in. Liverpool's track was guarded by a 10' chain linked fence, which sort of added to my excitement. To my dismay the sub-par facilities were in essense not worth the climb, or squeeze as the case was. If I showed you this hole in the fence you would have never believed me that I fit through it. It couldnt have been more then 10" wide!! What was wrong with the track? It was all weather for only about 300m thats what, and the rest of it was asphalt.
Such things have been encountered in the past: review my live journal entry for 2004 at Wheatfiled HS in Niagara where I had to scale an 8' fence after biking 5 miles up there. Also this year both Clarkstown south and Nyack HS were visited while under construction. Ive been lucky so far that there has been an alternative near by but im sure you could understand that a workout run on crushed dreams and deminishing modivation is not the way to make it to the top of the list, nor reach your potential.
Well you may or may not relate to this, but we have all been disappointed and we just have to make the best with what we have at hand. Heres my workout, thanks for listening....
1.5 miles 9:45
400m 83
500m 1:45
on pace for a 13:30 2 mile but didnt want to push things just yet since I was extremely sore and tight. 13 flat is the goal so that I have plenty of time for that last mile, and to breatk 20 mins for the first time ever. Currently my best 5k is 20:20.
As they say in the old country CATORSE!