Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Smart Winter Training Produces Winners

Eyes, Fingers, Toes indoor Triathlon
2mile 'mill run, 10 min stationary bike, 1100m row machine (you can always switch this up doing 2k row, 10min bike, 11min run... but in my case since the resolutionists are out in full force I had to take what was open)
14:33, 5mi in 10:11, 4:20 (having lifted just before while waiting and sore from cleans)

On that note I had to do some interim lifting while waiting for the next machine:

Standing Plate shoulder row 3x10: 35
Kettle Bell one arm hang clean 2x10: 35 (stressing high elbow to help with swimming)
dips 2x10

5min bike
Clean 6,5,3,3,1: 135, 155, 170, 185, 190
Seated overhead row L/R 25,20,18: 45, 55, 55
Leg Curl L/R 90, 100
Mile Run 2% 7:38

10min bike
1mile run
Bench 3x12: 135
Mil Press
Lunge walks 4x8: 70
Leg Ext L/R 3x10
Kickboxing Class 40 mins

Anxiously awaiting news on my team acceptance, and still trying to figure out the best way to put my training plan together. As you can see from my race schedule, I'll be coming out of the gates with run training on the heavy side in the form of a half marathon, Mar-relay, and 10k in the spring. This will mean an unprecedented (for me) building of base early in the season and the addition to speed work later in the season. 2010 season was the opposite where I built up to the 70.3 IM race and already had speed and strength from my days competing in pole vault. My goal is to come up with a lifting cycle plan (changing every 1 to 3 months), a Half Marathon training plan, 10k training plan, sprint tri training plan, and Olympic Tri training plan which will all somewhat overlap a little as I progress through this season. My dilemma now is not coming up with these plans (I know you would normally think otherwise but I know what I need, where I need to be, and how to prep to reach my goals)... no the hard part will be to organize them. So far training peak and google calendar seem to be my best options. If you have other suggestions that may help me keep organized with my training schedule in a streamlined fashion please let me know.

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