Sunday, March 27, 2011

Long Run Fail

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My intention today was to get in a long run that would test me mentally and physically in preparation for the Platte River Half Marathon (1/2Mary). I wanted to break down some barriors and get in an 11 mile run (which would have become my longest to date).

Well its not xmas, its not my birthday, its not even summer.. so we dont always get what we want. The set up (no these are not excuses, these are the facts): I biked 16 miles yesterday over rolling hills, at a fast pace on my new ISM seat with the winds howling and 50* temps. Its safe to say that I had underlying soreness, but this was a key run in my half marathon training. I was forced to run this as an out and back instead of my usual looping long run around Boulder Res due to the Boulder Half marathon being raced. I dont like to run more then 6 miles without water if I can help it (more so in the summer months, but its important to keep hydrated). I was on a gradually inclining gravel path with the occasional caddle crossing by.

I went out at my usual long run start pace of 7:35, blasted my music and hit the path. I passed by kick ass pro runner Renee Metivier Baillie around mile 3 going the other direction and she was moving! Its so inspiring seeing pros out on runs and rides in Boulder. However I continued to slow down, my legs grew heavy and I started to get blistered sore feet at mile 5. I stopped at the car for water and to refuel at mile 7 and somehow forced myself to go out for another 2 miles. It was painful and slow, it was painfully slow!

8.96miles Pace=7:54

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