Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My season Opener is around the corner, wheres the excitement

As I gear up to really kick start my season with races and a strong training plan that will more then likely lead to 6 months of soreness I find it harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning. Not sure if this is due to having to go to a job that in no way motivates me or that I need to shock the system and wean it off the amount of sleep and relaxation its gorged itself on in these winter months. Least i've begun to stick to a better fuel regiment adding in some important colors like green and red (those are plant related). While I dont feel tired or sluggist during the day, I am pretty sore this week as a result of piggie backing a 10 mile run with a strength workout the following day (which included squats).

Looking into the future of my training plan (which I have come up with on my own), I find that I might need to be flexible but generally my long ride will occur on Sat (giving me an opportunity to ride with others for a change) and a long run on Sunday (until after May when long runs will no longer be needed). I have an interesting race schedule this year where im trying the reverse of everything ive known. Im base building with my longer endurence races in the begining and ending with shorter explosive sprint endurence races towards the end of my season. In the past I have generally started small and added on the distance as I went, which resulted in the devowering of my muscle mass and therefore strength, speed and over all athletic ability. Im sticking to this new plan this year because im too good of an athlete to become a runner. Im a skiier, hiker, biker, climber, jumper, swimer, rower, kicker, with a hint of show off.


  1. Too good of an athlete to be a runner? Interesting way to put it. Are you trying to say that runners are not good athletes?

    Might want to re-think your thinking. Or think and not write.

  2. According to the definition of an athlete presented several times in this blog, runners may qualify as great athletes but to no exibit the level of fitness I seek. Look up fitness in 100 words.
