Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dont write checks your butt cant cash

Alright so you may be reading these and be thinking, is there a method to this madness? You certainly wont find a trainer that would have you do any of these workouts... ANY of THEM!! Let me explain myself, first of its knowing your body and your limitations and pushing those boundaries little by little. I have put in the time and have pushed that rock up and over that mountain several times. A rolling stone gathers no moss right? Basically Im used to working out hard, I was a division 1 athlete and used to lift 8 times a week and have 7 hour practices a day, and thats with a Saturday meet and Sunday off. Ive found though that if I do things this way, that I dont have to work so hard, or put in so much time (which will end up taking over your life). Working smarter not harder is my new motto. So you read this and say, wait this is you going easy? Well yes and no. Normal guys at the gym (like the ones mentioned in the previous post... the muscle bound morons) will lift back, then legs... each day limiting themselves to a muscle group and busting the snot out of it. For me, I am not a pair of arms or just legs. I have a body and a mind, and they dont like to be left out of any workout!! Dynamic workouts pull all the muscle groups together for your comon goal, which is what I feel is needed when you are competing in events like Triathlon or Pole Vault. It might take a while, but eventually you will figure out what works.

The works:

2 mile stationary bike warm up (5 min)
Squats 6,7,8; 185, 210, 210 ... 6,6; 225, 225 (should add squat jumps to my previous day workout)
Over head back with 45 plate 3x10
Bi 3x7 45,40,35 bells
Dips 2x12
Punching bag L/R 3x2min
Stair Master 21 floors
Leg Ext 3x 10 110
Back hyper 2x15 with 10lb ball
Obliques 2x10 45 plate
Back hyper w/ twist 2x10


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