Thursday, June 17, 2010

More pain, more gain

At the point just before this run I dont think there was a spot on my legs that wasnt sore, tight and pretty much felt like someone had beat the hell out of them while I was sleeping (minus the noticeable bruises). Now say what you like, you may call me a masochist after this run, but if it feels good, do it (as long as its in the best interest of your health).

It was a slow start but I set off on my Home to Wonderland Lake Loop run which is about 7 miles. It starts out up hill at about a 3% grade for a mile and a half where you catch a few short lights. Then at the 2 mile mark there is a massive hill that would take the breath out of a manatee. Being that I am a human being I just had to pant like a dog, bite down hard and make little goals for myself. "Pick your legs up and push, get on your toes all the way to that sign, and another, and to the top, and up and over." On the other side you are rewarded by your first down hill at the 2.5 mile mark, but its short lived at its 5% grade and you start going back up hill on the next turn at Poplar St as you head closer to Wonderland lake. Once you hit the lake park, and its scenic spender you have 2 choices; stop and take lots of pictures until you puke, or have a wonderful yet fast run around the lake with very little effort. Since I didnt have my camera, I chose the later and pulled off 6:36 pace all the way around (some of it is downhill, some is flat, but the gravel takes a lot of impact out of it).

The return trip after the loop is a sustained fast pace for a little over 2 miles due to a little help from your friend gravity (downhill), and you are greeted with a recalculated view of just how much uphill effort you had starting out. I tend to fizzel out around 27th St, but its getting better (2.19 at 6:24 pace).

In all, I feel a lot less sore and Im really surprised at how much my legs had in them judging on how sore and painfilled they are.

Wrap up:

6.94 miles in 49:26 Pace= 7:07

I went out the first 2.8 miles at 7:28 pace up hill the whole way.

Its also worth mentioning that I didnt have any hot spots this time with the use of my new shoes.

Peace be to journey, get out there and enjoy the sunshine!

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