Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Your BF isnt as big as he is stupid

Lift at 24hr:

Bench 6,8,10,12,15: 135,155,125,115,45
Clean frt squat last 3,3 135,135
Power Clean 3,3,1,1,1 155,175,185,185
Pull ups 2x5
Bi 2x8 35 bells
Cable pull kneeling twist 2xL/R 22.5
Row machine 1000m 3:52

Let me explain the title. As I was doing my cleans a girl set up at the rack next to me and started to do front squats. On her 3rd or so set she sunk too low and dropped the weight on the rack (I highly suggest using these safety features). I offered my assistance since I know how much of a pain in the ass it is to take off all the weight and re-rack to shoulder height. She nicely declined and walked off leaving the weight where it had been dropped.

When she returned she had a 6' guy in tow who stepped up to the bar at mid thy and proceeded to half bicept curl half hang clean the weight to his traps. The guy struggled and nearly hurt himself in the process since it was roughly 145 lbs and at a midway position for him. Had I done this I would have had a person on either side of the bar and placed it up to the hangers even though I was already cleaning well over that weight its just not worth getting hurt for. I just wanted to remind people with this story that the gym is not a place to show off, please practice some element of safety and logical thinking and when in doubt dont be afraid of taking or asking for help.

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