Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Soreness... YES soreness!!

Alright im not going to lie, I spent much of my undergrad career going to classes sore as hell and then going to practice and giving it my all while in extreme pain from it. I can honestly say I was sore for almost all 4 of those years thanks to the UBT&F team and our sometimes 5 hr a day practices.

Last summer/fall when I was training for my most recent Triathlon I found it difficult to get sore. I was doing some pretty intense workouts, as you will read on here, yet feeling like I was getting nothing out of them. I decided to keep at it, and switch it up as much as I could, and eventually my times started to improve without soreness holding me back.

To educate you, soreness is painful because it is the result of mini tares in your muscle tissue that are trying to repair, as well as a build up of lactic acid. Stretching before and after each workout does help. Knowing this you should find a happy medium of over working which leads to injury, and underworking and bitching out and losing a day of training. There is absolutely nothing wrong with working the big muscles one day, and then taking some weight off and working on form, balance and the little muscles.

That being said, I felt better after stretching, so I went after it and will probably pay 2x as much for this decision tomorrow.

5 min bike
Clean (floor) 4x4 135, 185, 205, 210
Fran (squat thrusters, pull ups 15, 9) 100 lb on the straight bar 3:15
Mile run at incline 5: 8:22

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