Monday, April 5, 2010

Im no longer a PVer im not even middle distance

Bike up to the Fairview HS track for change of venue 6.36 miles in 29 mins which is 16.3 mph

800m warm up and stretch (it felt good to get a stretch in there)

Hurdle mobility of 6:

A skip over
L/R skip over (with sprint off)
A lateral leg over
B lateral leg over
Walk over L/R

all x2

Track speed workout:
200m 30sec
2min rest
400m 69sec
1:30 rest
400m 1:30
1min rest
400m 1:35
1min rest
800m 3:16
cool down

Exponential hurdle hops 6x4

Bike home 6.36 miles 22:22 at 17mph pace

There were some guys up at the track doing 10 by 400m at 70 pace with about 2 min rest. My intent was for a harder workout but it didnt turn out too bad. I just feel like at this point after 3 months of hard training that I should be further along, it may be time to step it up a notch and bring the pain!

1 comment:

  1. Do not get discouraged. You cant always have the workout you want-if you were feeling pain and putting in the effort than that is all that you can do for that day. I guarantee that you are getting fitter and faster: its just so hard to tell with altitude. Just look at that 5k that you ran the other day! Sure, you can always step it up a notch, but train smart and patiently and the results will come with time. :0 )
